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about us
We are a group of undergraduates from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University.
Jerome Wong
Jensen Chan
Wong Wing Lum
Chua Khai Ying
When we first learned about Thalassaemia, we were appalled at the low level of awareness about the disorder among prospective parents in Singapore and the lack of emphasis on it in the public sphere despite it being a serious health issue that may put your future children at risk. | Also, we understand some of you have never heard of Thalassaemia, let alone know how to pronounce the word (hence our campaign title), and consulting Dr. Google for health-related information can sometimes lead to further confusion. | Therefore, we hope to get the word out about this sneaky disorder that lurks like our shadows by providing comprehensive, easily-digestible information that will help you go from saying “Thalassaemi-huh?” to “Thalassaemi-ah…”! |
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