What can you do?
Get screened.
Thalassaemia screening is the ONLY way to find out if you have Thalassaemia trait.
By knowing your Thalassaemia status, you and your partner may then be able to make more informed choices about family planning.
Thalassaemia is the most common genetic blood disorder in Singapore.
1 in 20 Singaporeans are carriers of Thalassaemia trait.
If you and your partner are planning to get married or start a family and that’s your response when you hear the term ‘Thalassaemia’, then YOU ARE AT RISK!
Because carriers generally do not exhibit any symptoms or require any treatment, you and/or your partner may be carriers without knowing.
This means YOUR FUTURE CHILD MAY BE AT RISK – when both partners are carriers, there is a significant chance of having a child with Thalassaemia Major, the severe form of the disorder.
We are here to help
Thala-SIMI-AH? is here to educate you and your partner about Thalassaemia and Thalassaemia screening.
By providing a one-stop platform for everything you and your partner need to know about Thalassaemia, we hope that you will go for Thalassaemia screening to have the opportunity to make more enlightened family planning decisions.
Don’t say “Thalassaemi-huh?”, say “Thalassaemi-ya!” to Thalassaemia screening!